Hybrid Heat
As heating costs rise higher every year, everyone is looking for a way to lower their monthly heating bills. Instead of wearing your parka in the house this winter, let Bryant Hybrid Heat™ Systems help you save money and stay warm.
Hybrid Heat Systems combine the strength of the Plus 90i gas furnace and an Evolution series heat pump to offer an efficient, economical approach to heating your home in the winter and keeping it cool in the summer.
Hybrid Heat Interactive Demonstration
With two heating sources, you can have a lot more control over your monthly energy bill. The Hybrid Heat™ System uses the heating source that is most efficient for the current conditions, switching when necessary to maintain its efficiency.
Because a heat pump can also provide cool air, the Hybrid Heat™ System can be your year-round temperature control system. And, heat pumps and air conditioners have significantly increased efficiency – meaning you will save money all year with the Hybrid Heat™ System.